Unit Converter

Angstroms to Feet - Convert angstroms to ft


Angstroms Conversion

Angstrom is the Internationally recognized unit of length, displacement or distance, which is used to indicate the size of atoms, molecules, lengths of chemical bonds, the arrangement of atoms in crystals and wavelength of visible light. It measures a distance so small that equals one ten-billionth of a meter or 0.1 nanometer. A human being has a visible sensitivity from 4,000 Ã…ngstroms (violet) to 7,000 Ã…ngstroms (deep red). The symbol for Angstrom is the Swedish letter A with ring diacritic on top of it.

Feet (ft) Conversion

Foot is an Imperial and Us customary measurement unit of distance or length which comprises 12 inches and about 30 centimeters. The origin of this unit is the usage of the human foot for measurement.

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