Unit Converter

Balthazars to Ounces - Convert balthazars to fl oz


Balthazars Conversion

A balthazar is a large wine bottle with a capacity of 12 L. It can hold 16 regular bottles of 0.750 L.

Ounces (fl oz) Conversion

The fluid ounce is a unit of measurement for liquid volume and capacity. The reason it is called a fluid ounce is to avoid the confusion with the weight or mass ounce, although it is sometimes referred to simply as an ounce and the context defines and clarifies the meaning. An imperial fluid ounce is 1/160th of an imperial gallon and about 28,41 ml. The US customary fluid ounce 1/128th of a US gallon and about 29, 57 ml, which makes it slightly larger (about 4 %) than the imperial fluid ounce.

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