Unit Converter

Kegs to Liters - Convert kegs to l


Kegs Conversion

A keg is a fluid container used to hold and measure liquid volume. It is not a standard unit of measurement and the sizes vary from country to country. The keg is a vessel smaller than the barrel (which is 31 US gallons) and it can be a half-barrel 15.5 Us gallons or a quarter-barrel 7.75 US gallons or generally under 30 US gallons.

Liters (l) Conversion

A liter is a metric unit of capacity, accepted by the SI system. It has been defined as the volume of one kilogram of water under standard conditions or as equal to exactly one cubic decimeter, or 1,000 cubic centimeters and also the volume of a cube with 0.1 meter (or 10 centimeters) on each side.

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