Unit Converter

Miles Converter

Convert Miles

A mile is a common unit of distance (or length) equal to 5,280 feet, or 1,760 yards, it is also exactly 1609.344 meters as per standard. The mile is used to measure the distance between places in the UK and the US.
You can convert Miles to other units here by enter amount of if into green input below. You can also check some basic conversions in Miles Conversion Table. Please note that this unit falls into the following categories as well: Astronomy
nautical leagues
nautical miles
land leagues

Miles Conversion Table

Miles 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Angstroms 1.6093 x 1013 3.2187 x 1013 8.0467 x 1013 1.6093 x 1014 3.2187 x 1014 8.0467 x 1014 1.6093 x 1015 3.2187 x 1015 8.0467 x 1015 1.6093 x 1016
Centimeters 160934 321869 804672 1609344 3218688 8046720 16093440 32186880 80467200 160934400
Fathoms 880 1760 4400 8800 17600 44000 88000 176000 440000 880000
Feet 5280 10560 26400 52800 105600 264000 528000 1056000 2640000 5280000
Furlongs 8 16 40 80 160 400 800 1600 4000 8000
Inches 63360 126720 316800 633600 1267200 3168000 6336000 12672000 31680000 63360000
Kilometers 1.6093 3.2187 8.0467 16.0934 32.1869 80.4672 160.9344 321.8688 804.672 1609
Meters 1609 3219 8047 16093 32187 80467 160934 321869 804672 1609344
Microns 1609344000 3218688000 8046720000 1.6093 x 1010 3.2187 x 1010 8.0467 x 1010 1.6093 x 1011 3.2187 x 1011 8.0467 x 1011 1.6093 x 1012
Millimeters 1609344 3218688 8046720 16093440 32186880 80467200 160934400 321868800 804672000 1609344000
Nautical Leagues 0.2897 0.5793 1.4483 2.8966 5.7932 14.4829 28.9659 57.9317 144.8294 289.6587
Nanometers 1.6093 x 1012 3.2187 x 1012 8.0467 x 1012 1.6093 x 1013 3.2187 x 1013 8.0467 x 1013 1.6093 x 1014 3.2187 x 1014 8.0467 x 1014 1.6093 x 1015
Nautical Miles 0.869 1.738 4.3449 8.6898 17.3795 43.4488 86.8976 173.7952 434.4881 868.9762
Picometers 1.6093 x 1015 3.2187 x 1015 8.0467 x 1015 1.6093 x 1016 3.2187 x 1016 8.0467 x 1016 1.6093 x 1017 3.2187 x 1017 8.0467 x 1017 1.6093 x 1018
Land Leagues 0.3333 0.6667 1.6667 3.3333 6.6667 16.6667 33.3333 66.6667 166.6667 333.3333
Yards 1760 3520 8800 17600 35200 88000 176000 352000 880000 1760000

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