Unit Converter

Nautical Leagues Converter

Convert Nautical Leagues

The league was a traditional unit of length, which is now obsolete. It was defined as about 3 miles on land or 3 nautical miles at sea or exactly 5556 meters.
You can convert Nautical Leagues to other units here by enter amount of if into green input below. You can also check some basic conversions in Nautical Leagues Conversion Table.
nautical leagues
nautical miles
land leagues

Nautical Leagues Conversion Table

Nautical Leagues 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Angstroms 5.556 x 1013 1.1112 x 1014 2.778 x 1014 5.556 x 1014 1.1112 x 1015 2.778 x 1015 5.556 x 1015 1.1112 x 1016 2.778 x 1016 5.556 x 1016
Centimeters 555600 1111200 2778000 5556000 11112000 27780000 55560000 111120000 277800000 555600000
Fathoms 3038 6076 15190 30381 60761 151903 303806 607612 1519029 3038058
Feet 18228 36457 91142 182283 364567 911417 1822835 3645669 9114173 18228346
Furlongs 27.6187 55.2374 138.0935 276.1871 552.3741 1381 2762 5524 13809 27619
Inches 218740 437480 1093701 2187402 4374803 10937008 21874016 43748031 109370079 218740157
Kilometers 5.556 11.112 27.78 55.56 111.12 277.8 555.6 1111 2778 5556
Meters 5556 11112 27780 55560 111120 277800 555600 1111200 2778000 5556000
Miles 3.4523 6.9047 17.2617 34.5234 69.0468 172.6169 345.2338 690.4677 1726 3452
Microns 5556000000 1.1112 x 1010 2.778 x 1010 5.556 x 1010 1.1112 x 1011 2.778 x 1011 5.556 x 1011 1.1112 x 1012 2.778 x 1012 5.556 x 1012
Millimeters 5556000 11112000 27780000 55560000 111120000 277800000 555600000 1111200000 2778000000 5556000000
Nanometers 5.556 x 1012 1.1112 x 1013 2.778 x 1013 5.556 x 1013 1.1112 x 1014 2.778 x 1014 5.556 x 1014 1.1112 x 1015 2.778 x 1015 5.556 x 1015
Nautical Miles 3 6 15 30 60 150 300 600 1500 3000
Picometers 5.556 x 1015 1.1112 x 1016 2.778 x 1016 5.556 x 1016 1.1112 x 1017 2.778 x 1017 5.556 x 1017 1.1112 x 1018 2.778 x 1018 5.556 x 1018
Land Leagues 1.1508 2.3016 5.7539 11.5078 23.0156 57.539 115.0779 230.1559 575.3897 1151
Yards 6076 12152 30381 60761 121522 303806 607612 1215223 3038058 6076115

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