Unit Converter

Weight Conversion Calculator


Weight Description

In science (physics) weight – is the measurement of the gravitational pull on an object or the amount of force of gravity acting upon it. The term weight is different than mass although they can be confused and used interchangeably in daily life. Mass depends on how much matter there is in an object or material, it is an intrinsic property and is measured in kilograms. The mass of a body is a set value and this means it is the same no matter where it is located, but the weight can change with the change of location as it depends on the force exerted on the object. The actual official unit for measuring weight is Newton, other units for measuring weight are pound-force

In places with zero gravity, the objects still have mass but have no weight. This is why for example astronauts in space stations must exert force to push themselves off the walls or pull themselves around and along. And the bigger their mass, the more force it will take for them to move around.

This category is called Weight but is actually meant in its synonymous use for mass and the reason for it is that in everyday situations the word “weight” is utilized when “mass” is actually meant.

Common (and not so common) units used to measure mass, but usually expressed as weight in daily life are: gram, kilogram, metric ton, pound, ounce, microgram, carat, quintal (or centner, hundredweight), slug, stone, grain, pennyweight, tael (Chinese unit), arroba (Portuguese and Spanish custom unit of mass, weight or volume). The troy weight system of units of mass is used to measure precious metals and gemstones and it includes troy ounce, troy pound, pennyweight, troy grain, mint weights or moneyers' weights (which splits into grains, mites, droits, and perits).

Weight Conversion Table

(some results are rounded)
Pennyweight Grams Grains Kilograms Troy Pounds Pounds Long Tons Metric Tons Milligrams Ounces Troy Ounces Short Tons Stone
1 Pennyweight = 1 1.5552 24 0.001555 0.004167 0.003429 1.5306 x 10-6 1.5552 x 10-6 1555 0.0549 0.05 1.7143 x 10-6 0.0002449
1 Gram = 0.643 1 15.4324 0.001 0.002679 0.002205 9.8421 x 10-7 1 x 10-6 1000 0.0353 0.0322 1.1023 x 10-6 0.00015747
1 Grain = 0.0417 0.0648 1 6.4799 x 10-5 0.00017361 0.00014286 6.3776 x 10-8 6.4799 x 10-8 64.7989 0.002286 0.002083 7.1429 x 10-8 1.0204 x 10-5
1 Kilogram = 643.0149 1000 15432 1 2.6792 2.2046 0.00098421 0.001 1000000 35.274 32.1507 0.001102 0.1575
1 Troy Pound = 240 373.2417 5760 0.3732 1 0.8229 0.00036735 0.00037324 373242 13.1657 12 0.00041143 0.0588
1 Pound = 291.6667 453.5924 7000 0.4536 1.2153 1 0.00044643 0.00045359 453592 16 14.5833 0.0005 0.0714
1 Long Ton = 653333 1016047 15680000 1016 2722 2240 1 1.016 1016046909 35840 32667 1.12 160
1 Metric Ton = 643015 1000000 15432358 1000 2679 2205 0.9842 1 1000000000 35274 32151 1.1023 157.473
1 Milligram = 0.00064301 0.001 0.0154 1 x 10-6 2.6792 x 10-6 2.2046 x 10-6 9.8421 x 10-10 1 x 10-9 1 3.5274 x 10-5 3.2151 x 10-5 1.1023 x 10-9 1.5747 x 10-7
1 Ounce = 18.2292 28.3495 437.5 0.0283 0.076 0.0625 2.7902 x 10-5 2.835 x 10-5 28350 1 0.9115 3.125 x 10-5 0.004464
1 Troy Ounce = 20 31.1035 480 0.0311 0.0833 0.0686 3.0612 x 10-5 3.1103 x 10-5 31103 1.0971 1 3.4286 x 10-5 0.004898
1 Short Ton = 583333 907185 14000000 907.1847 2431 2000 0.8929 0.9072 907184740 32000 29167 1 142.8571
1 Stone = 4083 6350 98000 6.3503 17.0139 14 0.00625 0.00635 6350293 224 204.1667 0.007 1

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