Unit Converter

Butter Conversion Calculator


Butter Description

Butter is a dense water-in-oil emulsion containing about 80% milkfat (fat out of milk or cream), water and a tiny amount of milk proteins. It is obtained by churning milk or cream to separate the fat from the other milk ingredients such as proteins and carbs. The color of butter varies from dark yellow, through pale yellow to white. When chilled its structure is solid, and it is soft and even liquid when heated. Being commonly used as a food spread or as a fat for cooking, butter can be found in almost every household.

The smoking point of butter is at about 180- 200 °C, which is quite low for most domestic applications, so it is better to be used for frying, as opposed to baking. Vegetable kinds of butter are obtained from vegetable fat (oils usually extracted from nuts) and resemble the consistency of dairy butter. Examples: Shea butter, peanut butter, coconut butter, olive butter, etc.

Containing a large amount of fat, butter is a high-calorie food. 100 grams of butter has a total amount of 717 calories and contains 80 grams of fats (saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, trans,) 0.9 grams of protein, 0,1 g of total carbs, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12. Additionally, 16 % of it is water. Butter can be measured in cups, sticks, ounces, grams, tablespoons and so on.

Butter Conversion Table

(some results are rounded)
Cups of butter Fluid Ounces Grams of Butter Half Sticks Imperial Cups Ounces of Butter Quarter Sticks Sticks Tablespoons Teaspoons
1 Cup of butter = 1 8 226.7962 4 0.8327 8 8 2 16 48
1 Fluid Ounce = 0.125 1 28.3495 0.5 0.1041 1 1 0.25 2 6
1 Gram of Butter = 0.004409 0.0353 1 0.0176 0.003671 0.0353 0.0353 0.008818 0.0705 0.2116
1 Half Stick = 0.25 2 56.699 1 0.2082 2 2 0.5 4 12
1 Imperial Cup = 1.2009 9.6076 272.3709 4.8038 1 9.6076 9.6076 2.4019 19.2152 57.6456
1 Ounce of Butter = 0.125 1 28.3495 0.5 0.1041 1 1 0.25 2 6
1 Quarter Stick = 0.125 1 28.3495 0.5 0.1041 1 1 0.25 2 6
1 Stick = 0.5 4 113.3981 2 0.4163 4 4 1 8 24
1 Tablespoon = 0.0625 0.5 14.1748 0.25 0.052 0.5 0.5 0.125 1 3
1 Teaspoon = 0.0208 0.1667 4.7249 0.0833 0.0173 0.1667 0.1667 0.0417 0.3333 1

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