Unit Converter

Cubic Inches Converter

Convert Cubic Inches

A traditional imperial and US customary (non-metric) unit of measurement for volume. It is defined as the volume of a cube with each of its sides being 1 inch long.
You can convert Cubic Inches to other units here by enter amount of if into green input below. You can also check some basic conversions in Cubic Inches Conversion Table.
cubic inches
barrels of oil
cubic centimeters
cubic feet
imperial gallons
imperial pints
cubic meters

Cubic Inches Conversion Table

Cubic Inches 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Barrels of Oil 0.00010307 0.00020614 0.00051536 0.001031 0.002061 0.005154 0.0103 0.0206 0.0515 0.1031
Cubic Centimeters 16.3871 32.7741 81.9353 163.8706 327.7413 819.3532 1639 3277 8194 16387
Cubic Feet 0.0005787 0.001157 0.002894 0.005787 0.0116 0.0289 0.0579 0.1157 0.2894 0.5787
Cups 0.0693 0.1385 0.3463 0.6926 1.3853 3.4632 6.9264 13.8528 34.632 69.2641
Ounces 0.5541 1.1082 2.7706 5.5411 11.0823 27.7056 55.4113 110.8225 277.0563 554.1126
Gallons 0.004329 0.008658 0.0216 0.0433 0.0866 0.2165 0.4329 0.8658 2.1645 4.329
Imperial Gallons 0.003605 0.007209 0.018 0.036 0.0721 0.1802 0.3605 0.7209 1.8023 3.6047
Imperial Pints 0.0288 0.0577 0.1442 0.2884 0.5767 1.4419 2.8837 5.7674 14.4186 28.8372
Liters 0.0164 0.0328 0.0819 0.1639 0.3277 0.8194 1.6387 3.2774 8.1935 16.3871
Cubic Meters 1.6387 x 10-5 3.2774 x 10-5 8.1935 x 10-5 0.00016387 0.00032774 0.00081935 0.001639 0.003277 0.008194 0.0164
Milliliters 16.3871 32.7741 81.9353 163.8706 327.7413 819.3532 1639 3277 8194 16387
Pints 0.0346 0.0693 0.1732 0.3463 0.6926 1.7316 3.4632 6.9264 17.316 34.632
Quarts 0.0173 0.0346 0.0866 0.1732 0.3463 0.8658 1.7316 3.4632 8.658 17.316
Tablespoons 1.1082 2.2165 5.5411 11.0823 22.1645 55.4113 110.8225 221.645 554.1126 1108
Teaspoons 3.3247 6.6494 16.6234 33.2468 66.4935 166.2338 332.4675 664.9351 1662 3325

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