Half Kegs Converter
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Convert Half Kegs
A half keg or also called pony keg is half the size of the standard beer keg. It is equal to a quarter of a barrel and can hold up to 7.75 U.S. gallons or 29.33 liters of fluid.
You can convert Half Kegs to other units here by enter amount of if into green input below. You can also check some basic conversions in Half Kegs Conversion Table.
Half Kegs Conversion Table
Half Kegs |
1 |
2 |
5 |
10 |
20 |
50 |
100 |
200 |
500 |
1000 |
Forties |
24.8 |
49.6 |
124 |
248 |
496 |
1240 |
2480 |
4960 |
12400 |
24800 |
Beers |
82.6667 |
165.3333 |
413.3333 |
826.6667 |
1653 |
4133 |
8267 |
16533 |
41333 |
82667 |
Bombers |
45.0909 |
90.1818 |
225.4545 |
450.9091 |
901.8182 |
2255 |
4509 |
9018 |
22545 |
45091 |
Cases |
3.4444 |
6.8889 |
17.2222 |
34.4444 |
68.8889 |
172.2222 |
344.4444 |
688.8889 |
1722 |
3444 |
Ounces |
992 |
1984 |
4960 |
9920 |
19840 |
49600 |
99200 |
198400 |
496000 |
992000 |
Frisbees Full |
17.7143 |
35.4286 |
88.5714 |
177.1429 |
354.2857 |
885.7143 |
1771 |
3543 |
8857 |
17714 |
Gallons |
7.75 |
15.5 |
38.75 |
77.5 |
155 |
387.5 |
775 |
1550 |
3875 |
7750 |
Growlers |
15.5 |
31 |
77.5 |
155 |
310 |
775 |
1550 |
3100 |
7750 |
15500 |
Imperial Pints |
51.6258 |
103.2516 |
258.129 |
516.258 |
1033 |
2581 |
5163 |
10325 |
25813 |
51626 |
Kegs |
0.5 |
1 |
2.5 |
5 |
10 |
25 |
50 |
100 |
250 |
500 |
Liters |
29.3369 |
58.6739 |
146.6847 |
293.3694 |
586.7388 |
1467 |
2934 |
5867 |
14668 |
29337 |
Pints |
62 |
124 |
310 |
620 |
1240 |
3100 |
6200 |
12400 |
31000 |
62000 |
Quarts |
31 |
62 |
155 |
310 |
620 |
1550 |
3100 |
6200 |
15500 |
31000 |
Six Packs |
13.7778 |
27.5556 |
68.8889 |
137.7778 |
275.5556 |
688.8889 |
1378 |
2756 |
6889 |
13778 |
Convert from Half Kegs to:
Popular Unit Conversions