Unit Converter

Kegs to Imperial Pints - Convert kegs to imperial pints


Kegs Conversion

A keg is a fluid container used to hold and measure liquid volume. It is not a standard unit of measurement and the sizes vary from country to country. The keg is a vessel smaller than the barrel (which is 31 US gallons) and it can be a half-barrel 15.5 Us gallons or a quarter-barrel 7.75 US gallons or generally under 30 US gallons.

Imperial Pints Conversion

An imperial pint is a unit of volume and capacity from the British Imperial measuring system and is than the U.S. liquid and dry pints. It is equivalent to one-eighth of an imperial gallon, 20 imperial fluid ounces and exactly 568.2615 millilitres. It is used in the UK and Ireland.

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