Unit Converter

8.8 Liters per 100 km to U.S. MPG

8.8 Liters per 100 km = 26.728929924242 U.S. MPG

Liters per 100 km to U.S. MPG Conversion Formula

U.S. MPG = (US Gallon × 100) ÷ (Mile × Liters per 100 km)
US Gallon = 3.785411784 Liters
Mile = 1.609344 Kilometers

8.8 Liters per 100 km to U.S. MPG Conversion breakdown and explanation

To convert Liters per 100 km to U.S. MPG we need to multiply 1 US Gallon in Liters by 100 and divide the result of it by product of 1 Mile in Kilometers and the amount of Liters per 100 km we want to convert.

In the case of 8.8 Liters per 100 km we have: (3.785411784 × 100) ÷ (1.609344 × 8.8) = 378.5411784 ÷ 14.1622272 = 26.728929924242 U.S. MPG

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