Unit Converter

Time Conversion Calculator


Time Description

Time is an abstract concept which is so intricate in its nature that is really hard for most people to imagine and explain. It’s probably because it is a notion with fundamental, self-evident, irreversible, infinite nature. Plus, is not something you can see, touch or experience with your senses. Time is defined as a continuous process of existence or reality and the sequence of past, present, and future. It is represented by change and dynamics and measured by motion. We experience time almost the same as we experience space. Time and space are closely related to different define events.

In classical physics, time is absolute and constant. It is a fundamental quantity or aspect of reality that cannot be expressed in terms of any other such quantity such as distance, velocity, mass, temperature, energy, and weight. (Most of those are related to each other by various physical laws). As defined by Newton and considered to be going at the same rate everywhere in the universe, Time is always ticking in the background at invariable, consistent speed without regard to anything external.

However, according to Einstein’s theory of relativity, the progress of time is not universal but relative and dependent on who is measuring it. In addition, time passes differently for different observers based on the speed and acceleration and the spatial reference frame of the observer. Einstein has also described Time as inseparably and fundamentally linked to space forming the concept of Space-time continuum. This continuum combines the three dimensions of space – length, height, width (also depth or breadth, any 3 out of these 5 can be selected if they lie on different planes) and the dimension of time and is thus, four-dimensional.

Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, millennia, microseconds, nanoseconds and so on.

Time Conversion Table

(some results are rounded)
Days Centuries Decades Hours Millenia Minutes Months Milliseconds Nanoseconds Seconds Weeks Work Weeks Years
1 Day = 1 2.7379 x 10-5 0.00027379 24 2.7379 x 10-6 1440 0.0329 86400000 8.64 x 1013 86400 0.1429 0.6 0.002738
1 Century = 36524 1 10 876582 0.1 52594920 1200 3.1557 x 1012 3.1557 x 1018 3155695200 5218 21915 100
1 Decade = 3652 0.1 1 87658 0.01 5259492 120 3.1557 x 1011 3.1557 x 1017 315569520 521.775 2191 10
1 Hour = 0.0417 1.1408 x 10-6 1.1408 x 10-5 1 1.1408 x 10-7 60 0.001369 3600000 3.6 x 1012 3600 0.005952 0.025 0.00011408
1 Millenium = 365243 10 100 8765820 1 525949200 12000 3.1557 x 1013 3.1557 x 1019 3.1557 x 1010 52178 219146 1000
1 Minute = 0.00069444 1.9013 x 10-8 1.9013 x 10-7 0.0167 1.9013 x 10-9 1 2.2816 x 10-5 60000 6 x 1010 60 9.9206 x 10-5 0.00041667 1.9013 x 10-6
1 Month = 30.4369 0.00083333 0.008333 730.485 8.3333 x 10-5 43829 1 2629746000 2.6297 x 1015 2629746 4.3481 18.2621 0.0833
1 Millisecond = 1.1574 x 10-8 3.1689 x 10-13 3.1689 x 10-12 2.7778 x 10-7 3.1689 x 10-14 1.6667 x 10-5 3.8026 x 10-10 1 1000000 0.001 1.6534 x 10-9 6.9444 x 10-9 3.1689 x 10-11
1 Nanosecond = 1.1574 x 10-14 3.1689 x 10-19 3.1689 x 10-18 2.7778 x 10-13 3.1689 x 10-20 1.6667 x 10-11 3.8026 x 10-16 1 x 10-6 1 1 x 10-9 1.6534 x 10-15 6.9444 x 10-15 3.1689 x 10-17
1 Second = 1.1574 x 10-5 3.1689 x 10-10 3.1689 x 10-9 0.00027778 3.1689 x 10-11 0.0167 3.8026 x 10-7 1000 1000000000 1 1.6534 x 10-6 6.9444 x 10-6 3.1689 x 10-8
1 Week = 7 0.00019165 0.001917 168 1.9165 x 10-5 10080 0.23 604800000 6.048 x 1014 604800 1 4.2 0.0192
1 Work Week = 1.6667 4.5632 x 10-5 0.00045632 40 4.5632 x 10-6 2400 0.0548 144000000 1.44 x 1014 144000 0.2381 1 0.004563
1 Year = 365.2425 0.01 0.1 8766 0.001 525949 12 3.1557 x 1010 3.1557 x 1016 31556952 52.1775 219.1455 1

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