Unit Converter

U.S. MPG Converter

Convert U.S. MPG

Miles per US gallon is a unit of distance per fixed fuel amount that measures how many miles have been traveled by a vehicle per one US gallon of consumed fuel. The miles per gallon unit is commonly used in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada with the distinction between US and Imperial gallon - the imperial gallon is 4.54609 liters, and the U.S. gallon is 3.785 liters.
You can convert U.S. MPG to other units here by enter amount of if into green input below. You can also check some basic conversions in U.S. MPG Conversion Table.
u.s. mpg
british mpg
liters per 100 km
kilometers per liter

U.S. MPG Conversion Table

U.S. MPG 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
British MPG 24.019 36.0285 48.038 60.0475 72.057 84.0665 96.076 108.0855 120.095
Liters per 100 km 11.7607 7.8405 5.8804 4.7043 3.9202 3.3602 2.9402 2.6135 2.3521
Kilometers per Liter 8.5029 12.7543 17.0057 21.2572 25.5086 29.7601 34.0115 38.2629 42.5144

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