Unit Converter

Wine Volume Conversion Calculator


Wine Volume Description

This is a term related to Alcohol by Volume which is abbreviated as ABV or alc/vol. It is a common measure of the amount of alcohol present in any given volume of alcoholic drink and is expressed in alcohol percentage. It shows how much alcohol (ethanol – chemical compound) content there is in a beverage.

A Unit of alcohol is used to indicate the actual alcohol quantity within a volume of alcoholic substance and to provide information on total alcohol consumption. One unit of alcohol contains 10 milliliters or 8 grams of pure alcohol. Typical servings of drinks usually contain 1-3 units of alcohol.

Gravity in alcoholic beverages refers to specific gravity or relative density of the substance (wort or must) compared to the density of reference substance usually water. Gravity is measured by hydrometer. The density of a wort or must is influenced by their sugar content. The amplitude between the original (gravity before fermentation) and final gravity (measured when fermentation completes) indicates how much sugar has changed into alcohol and hence the bigger the difference, the more alcohol content present and the stronger the drink.

Oxygen exposure to wine improves its taste because it softens the acerbic tannins and releases the fruit and floral aromas. So this is why wine is poured into decanters and wide wine glasses.

The Units utilized for wine volume are the same as some standard volume units such as ounces, liters, milliliters. The names of the containers are also used for units for wine volumes such as glass and bottle.

Wine size bottles:

  • Piccolo or Split - 187.5 ml
  • Quarter – 200 ml
  • Demi or Half – 375 ml
  • Jennie – 500 ml
  • Standard – 750 ml
  • Magnum – 1.5 L
  • Double Magnum – 3 L
  • Jeroboam (still wine) also Rehoboam – 4,5 L
  • Imperial also Methuselah– 6 L
  • Salmanazar – 9 L
  • Balthazar – 12 L
  • Nebuchadnezzar – 15 L
  • Melchior also Solomon – 18L
  • Primat or Goliath – 27 L
  • Melchizedek or Midas – 30 L

Wine Volume Conversion Table

(some results are rounded)
Balthazars Bottles Ounces Glasses Half Bottles Imperials Jeroboams Liters Methuselahs Magnums Midases Milliliters Nebuchadnezzars Rehoboam Salmanazars Splits
1 Balthazar = 1 16 405.7683 81.1537 32 2 4 12 2 8 0.4 12000 0.8 2.6667 1.3333 64
1 Bottle = 0.0625 1 25.3605 5.0721 2 0.125 0.25 0.75 0.125 0.5 0.025 750 0.05 0.1667 0.0833 4
1 Ounce = 0.002464 0.0394 1 0.2 0.0789 0.004929 0.009858 0.0296 0.004929 0.0197 0.00098578 29.5735 0.001972 0.006572 0.003286 0.1577
1 Glass = 0.0123 0.1972 5 1 0.3943 0.0246 0.0493 0.1479 0.0246 0.0986 0.004929 147.8676 0.009858 0.0329 0.0164 0.7886
1 Half Bottle = 0.0313 0.5 12.6803 2.5361 1 0.0625 0.125 0.375 0.0625 0.25 0.0125 375 0.025 0.0833 0.0417 2
1 Imperial = 0.5 8 202.8841 40.5768 16 1 2 6 1 4 0.2 6000 0.4 1.3333 0.6667 32
1 Jeroboam = 0.25 4 101.4421 20.2884 8 0.5 1 3 0.5 2 0.1 3000 0.2 0.6667 0.3333 16
1 Liter = 0.0833 1.3333 33.814 6.7628 2.6667 0.1667 0.3333 1 0.1667 0.6667 0.0333 1000 0.0667 0.2222 0.1111 5.3333
1 Methuselah = 0.5 8 202.8841 40.5768 16 1 2 6 1 4 0.2 6000 0.4 1.3333 0.6667 32
1 Magnum = 0.125 2 50.721 10.1442 4 0.25 0.5 1.5 0.25 1 0.05 1500 0.1 0.3333 0.1667 8
1 Midas = 2.5 40 1014 202.8841 80 5 10 30 5 20 1 30000 2 6.6667 3.3333 160
1 Milliliter = 8.3333 x 10-5 0.001333 0.0338 0.006763 0.002667 0.00016667 0.00033333 0.001 0.00016667 0.00066667 3.3333 x 10-5 1 6.6667 x 10-5 0.00022222 0.00011111 0.005333
1 Nebuchadnezzar = 1.25 20 507.2103 101.4421 40 2.5 5 15 2.5 10 0.5 15000 1 3.3333 1.6667 80
1 Rehoboam = 0.375 6 152.1631 30.4326 12 0.75 1.5 4.5 0.75 3 0.15 4500 0.3 1 0.5 24
1 Salmanazar = 0.75 12 304.3262 60.8652 24 1.5 3 9 1.5 6 0.3 9000 0.6 2 1 48
1 Split = 0.0156 0.25 6.3401 1.268 0.5 0.0313 0.0625 0.1875 0.0313 0.125 0.00625 187.5 0.0125 0.0417 0.0208 1

Browse Wine Volume Units

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