Unit Converter

Imperial Pints Converter

Convert Imperial Pints

An imperial pint is a unit of volume and capacity from the British Imperial measuring system and is than the U.S. liquid and dry pints. It is equivalent to one-eighth of an imperial gallon, 20 imperial fluid ounces and exactly 568.2615 millilitres. It is used in the UK and Ireland.
You can convert Imperial Pints to other units here by enter amount of if into green input below. You can also check some basic conversions in Imperial Pints Conversion Table. Please note that this unit falls into the following categories as well: Beer Volume
imperial pints
barrels of oil
cubic centimeters
cubic feet
cubic inches
imperial gallons
cubic meters

Imperial Pints Conversion Table

Imperial Pints 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Barrels of Oil 0.003574 0.007149 0.0179 0.0357 0.0715 0.1787 0.3574 0.7149 1.7871 3.5743
Cubic Centimeters 568.2613 1137 2841 5683 11365 28413 56826 113652 284131 568261
Cubic Feet 0.0201 0.0401 0.1003 0.2007 0.4014 1.0034 2.0068 4.0136 10.034 20.068
Cubic Inches 34.6774 69.3549 173.3871 346.7743 693.5486 1734 3468 6935 17339 34677
Cups 2.4019 4.8038 12.0095 24.019 48.038 120.095 240.19 480.38 1201 2402
Ounces 19.2152 38.4304 96.076 192.152 384.304 960.7599 1922 3843 9608 19215
Gallons 0.1501 0.3002 0.7506 1.5012 3.0024 7.5059 15.0119 30.0237 75.0594 150.1187
Imperial Gallons 0.125 0.25 0.625 1.25 2.5 6.25 12.5 25 62.5 125
Liters 0.5683 1.1365 2.8413 5.6826 11.3652 28.4131 56.8261 113.6523 284.1306 568.2613
Cubic Meters 0.00056826 0.001137 0.002841 0.005683 0.0114 0.0284 0.0568 0.1137 0.2841 0.5683
Milliliters 568.2613 1137 2841 5683 11365 28413 56826 113652 284131 568261
Pints 1.2009 2.4019 6.0047 12.0095 24.019 60.0475 120.095 240.19 600.475 1201
Quarts 0.6005 1.2009 3.0024 6.0047 12.0095 30.0237 60.0475 120.095 300.2375 600.475
Tablespoons 38.4304 76.8608 192.152 384.304 768.608 1922 3843 7686 19215 38430
Teaspoons 115.2912 230.5824 576.456 1153 2306 5765 11529 23058 57646 115291

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Popular Unit Conversions